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Hardness, Iron, and pH Test Kit, Model HA-62B

Hardness, Iron, and pH Test Kit, Model HA-62B
Product #: 183702
Unit Price Contact Hach

Functional, portable tests in a rugged case

Popular tests at a great price in Hach's convenient and protective test kit carrying case.

Easy operation

Uses color disc and drop count titration methods

Everything you need for field testing

Kit contains all required reagents and apparatus in a rugged carrying case for analysis in the field

Hardness, iron, and pH tests

Tests for hardness using titration, and iron (0-7 mg/L), and pH (4-10) using a color disc

What's included?

Includes five reagents, bottles, color discs, comparator box, viewing tubes, measuring tube, instructions and carrying case.


Application: Water Quality
Model: HA-62B
Number of tests: 100
Parameter: Hardness, Iron, and pH (4-10)
Platform : Color Disc
Range: 4 - 10 pH units
What's included?: Includes five reagents, bottles, color discs, comparator box, viewing tubes, measuring tube, instructions and carrying case.