What is a quote?
When you submit the contents of your shopping cart for a formal quote, we enter the quote under your account and hold all item prices for you for 30 days. You may convert the quote to an order at any time during this period, and we will honor the prices in effect at the time of the original quote request.
What cost information is reflected in a quote?
The purpose of the quote is to provide you with a guaranteed price on the products included in the quote. This information is often a requirement of budget requests or bid submissions. A formal quote is our assurance to you that prices reflected in the quote will be honored for the term of the quote. Your quote acknowledgement will include only the pricing and total for the items themselves. Taxes and shipping charges are not calculated for quotes.
Can I modify a quote I've already submitted?
You may modify a quote by adding items, removing items, or changing item quantities during the first 30 days the quote is in effect. Any added items will be entered with the price shown at the time they are added; all other prices will reflect the original quote date. Modifications to a quote will extend the quote to a date 30 days from the date of modification. (In effect, you will receive a second quote with items and prices carried over from the original quote.) At the end of 30 days from the original quote request the quote will be locked, and at the end of 30 days from the original quote request or latest quote modification date, the quote will expire.
What information do I need to provide?
You may provide a purchase order number or other identifying code if you wish. You will not be asked for payment or shipping information at the time of the request. A quote in our system is treated much like a shopping cart saved in your name — the items, quantities, and prices are associated formally with your account. The information is held for you in our system for the duration of the quote, and only the relationship to your account is required.