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Phosphax sc LR Low Range Phosphate Analyser

Hach's new digital on-site analyser Phosphax sc LR with weather proof housing is ideal for the high precision determination of Ortho-Phosphate concentration directly at the tank. The instrument offers a wide measurement range for a variety of wastewater applications with detection limits as low as 0.015 mg/L PO4-P and low response time including sample preparation. The Phosphate Analyser also features minimum reagent consumption and easy handling with analysis accessible at all times.
The Phosphax sc LR can be connected to a SC1000 or SC1500 controller.

This instrument connects to Claros, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiency in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.
Power requirements (Voltage)
Number of Channels
AUD Price (Incl. GST)


115 - 230 V AC, powered by Power Box or SC Controller Outdoor 0.015 - 2 mg/L PO₄-P Contact Hach


115 - 230 V AC, powered by Power Box or SC Controller Indoor 0.015 - 2 mg/L PO₄-P Contact Hach
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