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PhosphaxSC WarrantyPlus Instrument Protection and Service

PhosphaxSC  WarrantyPlus Instrument Protection and Service
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After investing in a new system, it’s important that you get off to a good start with data you can trust and confidence in your ability to properly operate and maintain the equipment. Our commissioning services assure that your new system is calibrated and delivering accurate data, and that you are trained to keep the system running smoothly between service visits.

Routine Maintenance

Every piece of analytical instrumentation requires some level of routine maintenance to assure accuracy and minimize downtime. With a Service Partnership, we ease the burden by helping you manage your maintenance schedule according to the specific needs of each instrument. When you choose Hach, you can be confident that the highest quality parts are being used and the job gets done right.


We know how important instrument calibration and certification is in maintaining regulatory compliance. As part of every service we provide, we verify that the instrument is performing to our factory specifications and provide the documentation you need to minimize compliance risk.

Advanced Maintenance

With ease of use and simpler routine maintenance comes behind-the-scenes complexity that requires special tools and skills that Hach Service is uniquely qualified to provide. Our advanced maintenance services, including in-depth systems diagnostics, detect and prevent potential issues that can degrade performance or reduce the life of the instrument.


We understand the impact to your process and your operations when your equipment goes down. You need a service partner who has the resources necessary to get you back up and running fast. With repair coverage through a Hach Service Partnership, you get priority service from skilled professionals with the knowledge, tools, and parts readily available to restore your equipment to proper operation as quickly as possible.

What's included?

Comprehensive warranty upgrade includes: All parts, labor, and travel for on-site repairs, 2 on-site calibrations per year, factory recommended maintenance (including required parts), unlimited technical support calls, and free firmware updates. On-site response for "down" instrument repairs is typically 3 business days. Standard business hours are 8am-5pm M-F local time, excluding holidays. Please see service terms and conditions for additional details on our service plans.


What's included?: Comprehensive warranty upgrade includes: All parts, labor, and travel for on-site repairs, 2 on-site calibrations per year, factory recommended maintenance (including required parts), unlimited technical support calls, and free firmware updates. On-site response for "down" instrument repairs is typically 3 business days. Standard business hours are 8am-5pm M-F local time, excluding holidays. Please see service terms and conditions for additional details on our service plans.