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Tensette Automatic Pipette 0.1 - 1.0 mL

Tensette Automatic Pipette 0.1 - 1.0 mL
Product #: 1970001
Unit Price Contact Hach

Parameter/Range/Reagent Information

Acid-Base Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8200 (Acid) 1 - 10 meq/L View  
  8200 (Acid) 10 - 4,000 meq/L View  
  8233 (Base) 1 - 10 meq/L View  
  8233 (Base) 10 - 4,000 meq/L View  
Acidity Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8201 Methyl Orange Acidity 10 - 160 mg/L CaCO₃ View Y
  8202 Phenolphthalein (Total) Acidity 100 - 4,000 mg/L CaCO₃ View Y
Alkalinity Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8203 10 - 4,000 mg/L as CaCO₃ View Y
  8221 Buret Titration Method 0 - 5,000 mg/L CaCO₃ View Y
Aluminum Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8012 Spectrophotometer, Powder Pillows 0.008 - 0.800 mg/L Al View  
  8326 Eriochrome Cyanine R 0.006 - 0.250 mg/L Al View  
Ammonia Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10031 DR800 Test 'N Tube 0 - 50 mg/L NH3-N View  
  10031 Test 'N Tube HR Salicylate 0.4 - 50.0 mg/L NH3-N View  
  8038 Nessler 0.02 - 2.50 mg/L NH₃-N View Y
  8155 Powder Pillows 0.01 - 0.80 mg/L NH₃-N View  
  8155 Powder Pillows Salicylate 0.01 - 0.50 mg/L NH₃-N View  
Barium Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8014 Turbidimetric 2 - 100 mg/L Ba View  
Benzotriazole / Tolyltriazole Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8079 Powder Pillows UV Photolysis 1.0 - 16.0 mg/L Benzotriazole View  
  8079 Powder Pillows UV Photolysis 1.0 - 20.0 mg/L Tolyltriazole View  
Boron Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10252 DR800 0 - 50 mg/L View  
  8015 Carmine 0.2 - 14.0 mg/L B View  
Carbon Dioxide Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8205 10 - 1,000 mg/L CO₂ View  
  8205 10 - 100 mg/L View  
  8233 0 - 250 mg/L CO₂ View  
Chelant Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8352 Free, Digital Titration Digital Titrator 0 - 20.0 mg/L CaCO₃ View  
Chloride Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10246 Silver Nitrate 100 to 200,000 mg/L Cl- View  
  8113 0.1 - 25.0 mg/L Cl⁻ View  
  8206 Digital Titration Mercuric Nitrate 10 - 8,000 mg/L Cl View Y
  8207 Digital Titration Silver Nitrate 10 - 10,000 mg/L Cl View  
  8207 Digital Titration Silver Nitrate 10 - 100 mg/L Cl View  
  8207 Digital Titration Silver Nitrate 100 - 10,000 mg/L Cl View  
Chlorine Demand / Requirement Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10223 Chlorine Demand/Requirement 10223 varies View  
Chlorine Dioxide Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8065 LR Chlorophenol Red 0.01 - 1.00 mg/L ClO2 View  
Chlorine, Free Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10059 DPD Rapid Liquid Method, Pour-Thru Cell™ DPD Rapid Liquid Method for Free Chlorine 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L Cl₂ View  
  10069 DPD, HR Powder Pillows 0.1 - 10.0 mg/L Cl2 View  
  10102 DPD Test 'N Tube 0.09 - 5.00 mg/L Cl2 View  
  10241 Powder Pillows Indophenol 0.04 - 4.50 mg/L Cl₂ View  
  10245 DPD, MR Powder Pillows 0.05 - 4.00 mg/L Cl2 View  
  8021 DPD Powder Pillows or AccuVac® 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L Cl2 View Y
Chlorine, Free & Total Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8210 DPD-FEAS Digital Titrator 0 - 3.00 mg/L Cl₂ View  
Chlorine, Hypochlorite Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10100 50 - 150 g/L as Cl₂ (5-15%) View  
Chlorine, Total Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10014 DPD 2 - 500 µg/L ULR as Cl2 View  
  10025 WAH, Digital Titration 6 - 1,000 µg/L Cl₂ View Y
  10026 WAH, Digital Titration Amperometric Forward Titration 15 - 1,000 µg/L Cl₂ View Y
  10060 DPD Rapid Liquid, Pour-Thru Cell 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L Cl₂ View  
  10070 DPD Powder Pillows 0.1 - 10.0 mg/L as Cl₂ View Y
  10101 DPD Test 'N Tube 0.09 - 5.00 mg/L Cl₂ View  
  8209 Iodometric Method 2,000 - 70,000 mg/L CL₂ View  
  8209 Iodometric Method 20 - 2,000 mg/L Cl₂ View  
  8209 WAH, Iodometric, Digital Titration 1 - 400 mg/L Cl₂ View  
  8370 DPD 2 - 500 µg/L - as Cl₂ View Y
Chromate Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8211 20 - 400 mg/L CrO₄²- View  
Chromium, Total Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8024 Spectrophotometer Powder Pillows 0.01 - 0.70 mg/L Cr View  
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10067 (Manganese III without chloride removal) Spectrophotometer Manganese III Reactor Digestion Method 30 - 1,000 mg/L View  
  10067 Manganese III, without Cl2 removal, DR800 20 - 1,000 mg/L View  
  8000 DR800 LR, MR, HR 0 - 1,500 mg/L COD View Y
  8000 DR800 LR, MR, HR 0 - 15,000 mg/L View  
  8000 DR800 LR, MR, HR 0 - 150 mg/L COD View Y
  8000 Reactor Digestion 0.7 - 40.0 mg/L View  
  8000 Reactor Digestion 20 - 1500 mg/L View Y
  8000 Reactor Digestion 200 - 15,000 mg/L View  
  8000 Reactor Digestion 3 - 150 mg/L View Y
Copper Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8143 Powder Pillows 1 - 210 µg/L Cu View  
Detergents / Surfactants Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8028 Spectrophotometer, Crystal Violet 0.002 - 0.275 mg/L as LAS View  
Formaldehyde Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8110 MBTH 3 - 500 µg/L CH2O View  
Hardness Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10247 Digital Titration EDTA, Total 100 - 200,000 mg/L CaCO³ View  
  10253 Digital Titration EDTA, Calcium 100 - 200,000 mg/L CaCO³ View  
  8204 Calcium Hardness Digital Titration EDTA 10 - 4,000 mg/L as CaCO₃ View  
  8213 Digital Titration Digital Titration using EDTA 10 - 4,000 mg/L as CaCO₃ View  
  8213 Digital Titration Digital Titration using EDTA 100 - 4,000 mg/L CaCO3 View  
  8222 Buret Titration 0 - 25,000 mg/L CACO3 View  
  8226 ManVer Buret Titration 0 - 2,500 mg/L CaCO₃ View Y
  8329 Digital Titration EDTA 10 - 160 mg/L CaCO3 View  
  8329 Digital Titration EDTA 10 - 4,000 mg/L CaCO3 View  
  8374 Chlorophosonazo Rapid liquid, Pour-Thru Cell Chlorophosphonazo Colorimetric 4 - 1,000 µg/L CaCO₃ View  
  8374 Chlorophosphonazo Colorimetric, Solution Pillow 8 - 1,000 µg/L CaCO3 View  
Iodine Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8031 Spectrophotometer, Powder Pillows or AccuVac DPD 0.07 - 7.00 mg/L I₂ View  
Iron Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10249 FerroVer® Powder Pillows 0.1 - 300.0 mg/L Fe View  
  8008 FerroVer® Powder Pillows or AccuVac 0.02 - 3.00 mg/L Fe View Y
  8008 PCII DR300 Powder Pillows AccuVac 0.02 - 5.00 mg/L Fe View  
  8112 Spectrophotometer Powder Pillows or AccuVac 0.012 - 1.800 mg/L Fe View  
  8112 TPTZ 0.01 - 1.70 mg/L Fe View  
  8147 FerroZine® Solution Pillows 0.009 - 1.400 mg/L Fe View  
  8147 Spectrophotometer FerroZine® Rapid Liquid, Pour Thru Cell FerroZine 0.009 - 1.400 mg/L Fe View  
  8214 Digital Titration 10 - 100 mg/L Fe View  
  8214 Digital Titration 100 - 1,000 mg/L Fe View  
Lead Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8033 Spectrophotometer Powder Pillows Dithizone 3 - 300 µg/L Pb View Y
  8317 Spectrophotometer LeadTrak™ Column Extraction LeadTrak Fast Column Extraction 5 - 150 µg/L Pb View  
Manganese Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8034 Powder Pillows Periodate Oxidation 0.1 - 20.0 mg/L Mn View Y
  8149 PAN 0.01 - 0.70 mg/L Mn View  
  8149 Powder Pillows PAN Method 0.006 - 0.700 mg/L Mn View  
Mercury Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10065 Cold Vapor Mercury Concentration 0.1 - 2.5 µg/L Hg View  
Molybdenum Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8036 Mercaptoacetic Acid 0 - 35.0 mg/L Mo View  
  8036 Mercaptoacetic Acid 0.3 - 40.0 mg/L Mo View  
  8036 Powder Pillows or AccuVac Mercaptoacetic Acid 0.2 - 40.0 mg/L Mo View  
  8169 Powder Pillows Ternary Complex 0.02 - 3.00 mg/L Mo View  
Monochloramine Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10171 Indophenol LR, Powder Pillows 0.04 - 4.50 mg/L Cl₂ View  
Nitrate Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10020 DR800, Test "N Tube 0 - 30.0 mg/L View  
  10020 Spectrophotometer, Test 'T Tube Chromotropic Acid Method 0.2 - 30.0 mg/L NO3--N View  
  8039 Cadmium Reduction 0.3 - 30.00 mg/L NO3--N View  
  8039 Powder Pillows or AccuVac® Cadmium Reduction 0.3 - 30.0 mg/L NO3--N View  
  8171 0.1 - 5.0 mg/L NO3-N View  
  8171 Spectrophotometer Powder Pillows or AccuVac 0.1 - 10.0 mg/L NO3--N View  
  8192 Powder Pillows LR Cadmium Reduction 0.01 - 0.50 mg/L NO3--N View  
  8359 Direct Measurement ISE 0.04 - 4.00 mg/L NO3 -N View  
Nitrogen, Total Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10071 DR800, Test 'N Tube 0.0 - 25.0 mg/L N View  
  10071 Test 'N Tube LR Persulfate Digestion 0.5 - 25.0 mg/L N View  
  10072 DR800 HR Test 'N Tube 10 - 150 mg/L N View  
  10072 Test 'N Tube HR Persulfate Digestion 2 - 150 mg/L N View  
Nitrogen, Total Inorganic (TIN) Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10021 DR800, Test 'N Tube 0 - 25.0 mg/L N View  
  10021 Test 'N Tube™ Titanium Trichloride Reduction 0.2 - 25.0 mg/L N View  
Phosphorus Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10055 Spectrophotometer Pour-Thru Cell 19 - 3,000 µg/L PO₄ View  
  10127 Test 'N Tube Molybdovanadate with Acid Persulfate Digestion 1.0 - 100.0 mg/L PO4 View  
  8048 Powder Pillows or AccuVac® PhosVer 3, Ascorbic Acid 0.02 - 2.50 mg/L PO4 View Y
  8048 TNT™ PhosVer 3 0.06 - 5.00 mg/L PO4 ³⁻ View Y
  8114 Reagent or AccuVac Molybdovanadate 0.3 - 45.0 mg/L PO4 View  
  8178 Amino Acid Reagent Amino Acid Method 0.23 - 30.00 mg/L PO4 View  
  8190 Digestion Test 'N Tube™ 0.06 - 3.50 mg/L PO4 View Y
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8337 Spectrophotometer Powder Pillows Direct Binary Complex 0.2 - 5.0 mg/L CTAB View  
Selenium Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8194 Spectrophotometer Diaminobenzidine 0.01 - 1.00 mg/L Se View  
Silica Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8186 Spectrophotometer Powder Pillows Heteropoly Blue 0.010 - 1.600 mg/L SiO2 View  
  8282 Spectrophotometer Pour-Thru Cell Heteropoly Blue 3 - 1,000 µg/L SiO2 View  
  8282 Spectrophotometer Pour-Thru Cell-Rapid Liquid Heteropoly Blue Rapid Liquid 3 - 1000 µg/L as SiO₂ View  
Sulfate Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8051 Powder Pillows or AccuVac® SulfaVer 4 2 - 70 mg/L SO42- View Y
Sulfide / Hydrogen Sulfide Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10254 Methylene Blue 0.01 - 70 mg/L S²- View  
Sulfite Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8071 0 - 500 mg/L SO₃²¯ View  
  8216 Iodate-Iodide Digital Titration 4 - >400 mg/L SO32- View  
Tannin and Lignin Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8193 Tyrosine 0.1 - 9.0 mg/L as Tannic Acid View  
TKN Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8075 DR800, TKN, Nessler Nessler 0 - 150 mg/L View  
  8075 TKN, Nessler 1 - 150 mg/L TKN View  
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10128 DR800, HR Direct 20 - 700 mg/L C View  
  10128 HR, Colorimeter Test 'N Tube Direct 20 - 700 mg/L C View  
  10128 HR, Spectrophotometer Test 'N Tube Direct 100 - 700 mg/L C View  
  10129 DR800, LR Direct 0.0 - 20.0 mg/L C View  
  10129 LR, Test 'N Tube Direct 0.3 - 20.0 mg/L C View  
  10173 DR800, MR, TOC Direct 15 - 150 mg/L C View  
  10173 MR, Test 'N Tube Direct 15 - 150 mg/L C View  
Toxicity Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10017 ToxTrak 0 - 100 % Inhibition View  
TPH in Soil Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10050 TPH in Soil 10050 Threshold View  
TPH in Water Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10050 TPH in Water 10050 Threshold View  
Trihalomethane Formation Potential (THMFP) Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10224 1,190 - 1,310 mg/L as Cl₂ View  
Trihalomethanes, Total (THM) Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  10132 THM Plus 10 - 600 µg/L CHCl₃ View  
Volatile Acids Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8196 Reagent Solution Esterification 27 - 2800 mg/L as Acetic Acid View  
Zinc Method Range Reagent Set(s) USEPA Compliant?
  8009 Powder Pillows Zincon 0.01 - 2.00 mg/L Zn View Y
  8009 Powder Pillows Zincon 0.01 - 3.00 mg/L Zn View Y