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Polymetron 9523 Specific and Cationic Conductivity Analyser, and pH Calculator with Hart Communication, 100 - 240 V AC

Product #: 9523.99.05P4
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Simple to Integrate. Simple to Operate.

An integral part of the most complete water analytics system for the Power industry. Hach provides a broad range of product options designed to work together into flexible solutions to meet your unique needs. Hach’s comprehensive approach saves you time on design, installation, training, maintenance, and operation. Our cationic conductivity system calculates accurate and reliable pH measurements even in the presence of contaminants such as chlorides, sulfates, nitrates and organic acids that commonly interfere with traditional pH probes.

  • Save time on design
  • Accelerate your installation
  • Reduce training complexity
  • Simplify maintenance and operation

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