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Film Forming Amine Kit

Product #: 3630000
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Low level of detection Film Forming Amines Testing in the lab

Hach's Film Forming Amines kit allows you to test ODA, OLA and OLDA based film forming amines products using Hach's DR3900 and DR6000 spectrophotometers. Film Forming Amines are expensive and overdosing can lead to more than just higher costs. Overdosing can lead to the difficulty "gunk balls" in your system. Under dosing can lead to corrosion of your systems. Test for Film Forming Amines at lower concentrations with greater accuracy to ensure your systems are adequately protected, costs are kept in check and overdosing risks are mitigated.

  • Simple Test Procedure
  • Part Per Billion Range
  • Detect multiple forms of Filming Amines

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